
Scandinavian simplicity is a design aesthetic that has gained popularity in recent years. It is characterized by minimalism, functionality, and elegance, and it prioritizes clean lines, neutral colors, and natural materials. This design philosophy has influenced not only the world of interior design but also fashion, architecture, and lifestyle.

In this article, we will delve into the principles of Scandinavian simplicity and examine its impact on design and life. We will explore its origins, its core features, and its benefits. We will also discuss how to incorporate this design aesthetic into your life, and how it can bring balance, harmony, and serenity into your daily routine.

Origins of Scandinavian Simplicity

The roots of Scandinavian simplicity can be traced back to the early 20th century, when a group of Nordic designers and architects sought to create a design language that reflected their cultural identity and values. They aimed to create objects and spaces that were functional, affordable, and accessible to everyone.

The modernist movement, which was prevalent in Europe at the time, also had a significant influence on Scandinavian design. The principles of modernism, such as “form follows function” and “less is more,” resonated with the Nordic designers, who embraced them as a means to create simple, elegant, and practical designs.

In the post-war era, Scandinavian design gained international recognition, especially in the United States. The clean lines, bold colors, and organic materials used in Nordic design stood out from the cluttered and ornate designs of the time. The popularity of Scandinavian design peaked in the 1960s and 1970s, but its influence has endured to this day.

Core Features of Scandinavian Simplicity

Scandinavian simplicity is characterized by several distinctive features, which make it a unique and timeless design aesthetic.


Minimalism is at the heart of Scandinavian simplicity. It is the art of using only the essential elements and eliminating all that is unnecessary. Minimalist design is characterized by clean lines, simple shapes, and a monochromatic or neutral color palette.

In Scandinavian design, minimalism is not just a style choice, but a reflection of a cultural mindset. Nordic people have a long tradition of living with limited resources, and they have learned to value simplicity, functionality, and durability over extravagance and excess.


Functionality is another key feature of Scandinavian simplicity. Nordic designers aim to create objects and spaces that are not only beautiful but also practical and user-friendly. They prioritize usability and comfort over ornamental features and seek to create designs that enhance the quality of life.

In Scandinavian design, form and function are intertwined, and every design element has a purpose. Objects are designed to be efficient, durable, and easy to use. Furniture, for example, is often designed with modular or multi-functional features, which allow it to adapt to different needs and spaces.

Natural Materials

Natural materials are an essential component of Scandinavian simplicity. Wood, stone, leather, and wool are some of the materials frequently used in Nordic design. These materials not only reflect the region’s natural landscape but also evoke a sense of warmth, texture, and authenticity.

In Scandinavian design, the use of natural materials is not just an aesthetic choice but also a sustainable choice. Nordic designers value eco-friendliness and seek to create designs that are environmentally conscious and responsible.

Benefits of Scandinavian Simplicity

Scandinavian simplicity has numerous benefits, both in terms of design and lifestyle. Here are some of the benefits of embracing this design aesthetic:

Clarity and Focus

Scandinavian simplicity promotes clarity and focus by eliminating distractions and reducing clutter. Minimalist environments and designs allow the mind to rest and recharge, and they promote a sense of calm and order.

Better Health and Well-being

Scandinavian simplicity can also have a positive impact on mental and physical health. By choosing simple and natural materials, reducing visual clutter, and prioritizing comfort and functionality, Nordic design can contribute to a healthier and more restful environment.

Less Environmental Impact

Scandinavian simplicity also promotes sustainability and reduces environmental impact. By choosing durable and eco-friendly materials, designing multifunctional objects and spaces, and prioritizing resourcefulness over waste, Nordic design can contribute to a greener and more responsible world.

Incorporating Scandinavian Simplicity into Your Life

Here are some tips on how to incorporate Scandinavian simplicity into your life:

Clear the Clutter

Start by decluttering your living space and removing all the unnecessary items. Keep only the objects that are essential or meaningful to you. Use storage solutions to keep the remaining objects organized and out of sight.

Choose Natural Materials

When choosing furniture, accessories, or textiles, opt for natural materials such as wood, stone, wool, or leather. These materials have a timeless and authentic look and are also more sustainable and eco-friendly.

Embrace Minimalism

Adopt a minimalist mindset when it comes to your wardrobe, your home decor, and your daily routines. Simplify your life by prioritizing quality over quantity, and by focusing on the essentials.

Create a Serene Environment

Create a serene and peaceful environment by using muted or neutral colors, diffusing essential oils, and adding plants or flowers to your space. Take time to disconnect from technology and to enjoy some quiet moments of introspection.

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